Adam Walker and Nick Griffin have given the overpaid PC bullies who run Wakefield and District Housing just seven days to end their persecution of Christian granddad Colin Atkinson – or face demonstrations and actions against them personally.
In a letter delivered to WDH Chief Executive Kevin Dodd today, Mr. Walker states on behalf of the British National Party that:
"We, and other members of the English and Christian community, have been very patient with such far-left, pro-Islamic, Common Purpose-style bullying of decent people. Our patience is now at an end, as is the time during which the Politically Correct elite could persecute the people and denigrate the traditions and faith of this land without suffering any consequences."
Explaining the party's new extra militancy, Nick Griffin urges everyone to "look at the records of the people behind this anti-Christian Islamo-Marxist jihad. This isn't some kind of mistake by a bureaucratic Jobsworth; these people are engaged in a deliberate campaign against Christian values and our traditional culture".
Who's to Blame at Wakefield Housing?
Chief executive KEVIN DODD. This overpaid parasite rakes in £157,000 a year. Back in 2000, Dodd hit the headlines when, as Wakefield's head of housing, he cut the benefits of a 95-year-old RAF veteran who'd received compensation for having been attacked by a drunk.
Equality and Diversity manager JAYNE O’CONNELL, who believes that the women-oppressing burqa is “discrete”. Another overpaid Jobsworth, she was recruited from failed bank HBoS. The money would be better spent sorting out blocked drains!
Environmental manager DENIS DOODY. Happy to persecute Christians because this hardcore Labour activist admires Marxist mass murderer Che Guevara. Also writes for the pro-IRA and pro-Islamic terrorist Revolutionary Communist Group.
Mr. Griffin went on to promise the PC bullies that, if they do not stop persecuting Mr. Anderson, "We're going to make sure all their neighbours know all about their anti-Christian bullying.
"We've had enough of PC parasites insulting and bullying decent English people and running down our traditions. So we're organising together to fight back. I call on everyone who reads this to call or email Wakefield District Housing on the number or address shown on the leaflet.
"And I ask that anyone with any inside information on these people, especially any possible link to the sinister Common Purpose organisation, to let us know straight away. Because, together, we can stand up for Christian values and beat the PC bullies."
Help stop this discrimination by complaining to Wakefield and District Housing – 0845 850 7507 and
Please also forward this story on to friends.
Adam Walker’s letter to Kevin Dodd is below.
18th April 2011
Kevin Dodd
Chief Executive
Wakefield and District Housing
Merefield House
Whistler Drive
WF10 5HX
Dear Mr Dodd
Re. Persecution of Christians
Please take this letter as formal notice that WDH has seven days from noon on 19th April to confirm that all disciplinary hearings and charges against Colin Anderson have been permanently dropped.
Failure to do so will lead to an immediate and escalating campaign against senior members of Wakefield and District Housing.
We, and other members of the English and Christian community, have been very patient with such far-left, pro-Islamic, Common Purpose-style bullying of decent people. Our patience is now at an end, as is the time during which the Politically Correct elite could persecute the people and denigrate the traditions and faith of this land without suffering any consequences.
From now on, actions such as your persecution of Colin Anderson will have consequences. The British National Party will see to it.
Yours sincerely
Adam Walker
National Organiser
British National Party