More evidence of how the desperate Labour party abuse public money to oppose the BNP .
On a recent trip to Barnsley, Labour MP John Denham said in his speech,Whether it is the Conservatives with their small government, few services, devil-take-the-hindmost philosophy where Britain is ruled by a classically educated ‘elite’; or a Nationalist party’s strategy of divide, discriminate and rule; we will be victims of disadvantage if we are not (as John Denham said in his speech:) “…committed to tackling disadvantage wherever it exists”.
For Barnsley that discrimination would be due to working-class disadvantage and the deliberate discrimination of a Tory government against the working (by hand and by brain)-class. Most immigrants into Barnsley are members of that working class, just as they have been for generations. We must be careful not to allow the forces of the far-right to drive a wedge between us and create a false divide between workers, of whatever ethnic/cultural origin. We are stronger together.
Immigrants in Barnsley?
The leader of Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Cllr Steve Houghton CBE, Stated quite clearly on the BBC Politics Show just before the St Helens by election, "Actually, in Barnsley we don't have an immigrant population." But later said he was mis-quoted.
If we haven't got an immigrant population in Barnsley, why the need for the following publicly funded ethnic minority associations:
Barnsley Black and Ethnic Minority Initiative - BBEMI
African Caribbean Enterprise Barnsley - ACEBBarnsley Albanian Community Association - BACA
Barnsley Azerbaijanian Community Association - BAZCA
Barnsley Bangladeshi Welfare Association - BBWA
Barnsley Eastern Europe Cultural Association - BEECA
Barnsley Muslim Community Centre - BMCC
Barnsley Iranian Community Association - BICA
Barnsley Chinese Community Association - BCCA
Barnsley Pakistani Welfare Association - BPWA
Barnsley Russian Speaking Community - BRSC
Barnsley Spanish Speaking Community - BSSC
Gujarat Association of Barnsley - GAB
Gypsy Traveller Community - GTC
Indian Welfare Association - IWA
Kashmiri Arts Welfare Society - KAWS
Zimbabwean Community Organisation - ZCO
Plus the Belmont asylum induction centre in Monk Bretton.
It is not naked racism to question these associations and the public money they receive.
You can make your own mind up about that quote in the video below.
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
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