Sunday, 16 March 2008


We are promoting the common sense policies of the BNP in preparation for May’s local elections at which we will be standing first rate candidates throughout Barnsley.

Media Image of BNP is False!

Do not be influenced by the negative image of our Party as portrayed by the media. It takes good organisation skills, dedication, and a professional approach to build up a properly registered political Party in this country, and to stand quality candidates in elections year after year. There are many procedures to be followed and paperwork to be submitted to the Electoral Commission.

Ask yourself if this equates to the type of person that the media claims are our members, or if our Party leaders would allow such people to ruin their efforts.

The simple answer is no!

You are being lied to by the British media who want to force their own multicultural agenda on us all. They know very well how unpopular this agenda is, and so they are doing their utmost to deprive the British people of the chance of an alternative agenda, as provided by our Party and its policies.

Don’t let the media tell you how to think!
Work things out for yourself!
Many people already have, which is why our Party is doing so well.
Labour Have Betrayed the British People

In blind pursuit of its ideology of internationalism (for more on that read Barnsley BNP on immigration) the Labour Party are now hurting the very people who have put it in power and have supported it for generations.

It’s Immigrants First for Council Housing

As you will be aware the astronomical cost of housing has priced many people out of the market. At one time a young couple or family would be given a council house after a short wait, but now many of the houses becoming vacant are given to immigrants who have just arrived in this country. This is being done because it is the only way for the Labour Council to build a multi-racial population in this area. So people who have contributed precisely nothing to the system are given houses before people and families who have contributed thousands. How can this be right?

Hard Won Pay and Conditions at Work Are Being
Destroyed by Migrant Workers

In employment the recent influx of migrants from the EU and around the world is forcing down pay rates. In many factories the entire British workforce is being steadily replaced by migrants who will work for a fraction of the pay. And self employed British tradesmen are now in direct competition with Polish or Latvian tradesmen who will undercut them on every job. This is because many of these migrants are living 10 or more to a house, and do not have mortgages to pay or families to support.

Only By Voting BNP Can You Tell Labour
You Are Not Happy With This

The BNP is often accused by the media of being extremist but we only want our country to remain British – as it is now. We don’t want it to change. How is this extreme? Surely allowing millions of immigrants into our country in only a few short years is real extremism – but that is exactly what Labour has done.

There isn’t an alternative party you can vote for if you want to stop immigration – there’s only the BNP. We will only get one chance to save Britain – and this is it! Once Britain has been destroyed it can never be resurrected!