Ian joined the BNP in October 2003 and is the party candidate for the Darton West Ward. He resides in Barugh Green which is within the ward he represents. He is married with three grown up daughters, two step sons, two grandsons and a granddaughter. He is employed as a team leader in engineering at a packaging company in West Yorkshire. Barnsley nationalist put the following questions to him.
How is your campaign to save Barnsley going?
Fantastic. Paul Harris has stood down as Barnsley organiser and handed the reins to me, so now it’s my watch and I can assure the people of Barnsley that I will not be letting them down. We need to get onto the council as soon as possible, because it really is a battle to survive.
The party is getting bigger by the day and we have more activists than ever working throughout Barnsley, this is helping us get our message across to more people which in turn is increasing the number of people that will vote for us. Out of these we are getting new members, activists and quality candidates.
Not that we need any convincing of what we are doing is right, but when I went to a full council meeting recently, I was given an insight to what this Labour council really think of us and what they want for the people of Barnsley. A councillor stood up and stated “he is proud and glad that Barnsley is becoming more multicultural and also that these people want to come and live here - they are enriching us”. What surprised me the most was that almost all the other councillors clapped and cheered! Of course the councillor lives in an area yet to be ‘enriched’! Also, what does he mean by enriching us? Does he mean that as a largely white community we have something missing? Is the increase in racial attacks something we should be grateful for? Should we be happy that most job vacancies over the last few years have gone to foreigners? Should we be happy when we get pushed further down the council house waiting list, because a ‘more needy’ family have settled here? The joys of enrichment!
Why do you think Labour have adopted that attitude, especially in Barnsley?
Because they have become less popular, there are many reasons why people have started to lose faith in them, such as the illegal war, all the extra taxes, lie after lie, the list is endless. So they are now importing voters from all corners of the world to try and ensure they stay in power. Any adult from any EU or commonwealth country can vote in the local elections, as long as they can prove that they live here.
To move on slightly, how’s the campaign going in the Darton West Ward?
Fantastic, the first time I stood in the 2006 local elections I polled 24%, with the help of the ever dedicated team of BNP activists we increased that to 27% last year. That was despite the lies and smears that the UAF and their labour cronies put out about us. The leaflets that they put out were shocking. Fortunately with the work we have done within the ward people know us and know that we are just ordinary people, who understand what is happening to our town, and want to help save it.
People don’t want to be ‘enriched’ as they call it, but unless we start to get councillors elected that’s exactly what will happen. There are already areas that have actually been ‘enriched’. The number of white women that have been racially abused has increased by a third in recent years. Is this what the council want? These are the council’s own figures, so they know about it, but choose to ignore the facts.
We do a lot of door to door VOF sales in Darton West. The paper round just gets bigger and bigger with some of our customers taking numerous copies to sell on or give to friends and work colleagues etc.
I was selling papers to regular customers in a public house recently, when a lefty who gives out searchlight magazine pointed out that his customers don’t have to pay. He soon shut up when I told him that that was because searchlight is sponsored by big business, just as labour now is! I personally find it unbelievable that the working classes have been betrayed like this.
Realistically, what are the chances of winning council seats in the borough this May?
In November last year we had the biggest political meeting held in Barnsley for many a year, with over 220 supporters attending to hear Nick Griffin speak.
We have regular activists and candidates meetings. We hold regular street paper sales, plus we sell papers door to door. We regularly leaflet and canvass the wards. We have more members than ever before. We are ready.
The Labour council underestimate the electorate in Barnsley, so to answer your question. Yes, there is every chance we will get in. The simple truth is that we cannot afford not to. We have been campaigning all year, and will be intensifying our efforts up to the elections in May.
Labour are so close to losing control of the council. It could mean that we hold the balance of power with only one or two seats! It’s all to fight for.
You say that Labour is close to losing control of the council. Is this down to the BNP in anyway?
Yes, the BNP and the Barnsley Independent Group, who have a large number of seats on the council. The BNP vote has hit Labour hard over the last couple of years and we will be standing quality candidates in their weakest wards throughout the borough, so even if we don’t win the seat but the Barnsley Independent Group does, then it is enough to remove Labour from power.
Will you be contesting the European elections next year and the general election because it’s obvious Gordon Brown bottled a general election last year?
You bet we will, it will be an exciting time. People are getting into the habit of voting for us, so we have to keep the momentum going. Labour went from being just a pressure group in 1900 to forming a government in 1924, but of course that was when they represented the working man.
We also have the London elections coming up. Even ‘Red Ken’ and ‘Barmy Boris’ agree that we will get at least one seat. We cannot let the colonisers take over our capital.
Have you got anything else planned for the year ahead?
We will be having a St George’s day party. When we get in power we will do every thing we can to help preserve the traditions and culture of this great country. We should be proud to be British, English and Tarners!
We will be celebrating in May when we get our first seats, and this will be on top of the celebrations for getting onto the London Assembly.
When we get some councillors elected this May, that’s when the real work starts. We will have access to information on what is really happening within this council. We will be under close scrutiny, so we will have to deliver. I cannot wait.
Well it sounds like you’re working hard, keep up the good work and good luck in May.
I am, but we have a brilliant team in Barnsley. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, so being part of a team means we can get the best out of everybody. I was recently contacted by a man who is almost house bound and is desperate to get involved, but obviously cannot go leafleting or doing paper sale etc. He is now our chief envelope stuffer!!!
We can get teams to go leafleting at a moments notice. This will be especially useful if we get a by-election. I have three teams in Darton West alone.
Finally, to quote Nick Griffin, ‘Barnsley could be the first area in the country where we get complete control of a council’!!! Need I say anymore?
How is your campaign to save Barnsley going?
Fantastic. Paul Harris has stood down as Barnsley organiser and handed the reins to me, so now it’s my watch and I can assure the people of Barnsley that I will not be letting them down. We need to get onto the council as soon as possible, because it really is a battle to survive.
The party is getting bigger by the day and we have more activists than ever working throughout Barnsley, this is helping us get our message across to more people which in turn is increasing the number of people that will vote for us. Out of these we are getting new members, activists and quality candidates.
Not that we need any convincing of what we are doing is right, but when I went to a full council meeting recently, I was given an insight to what this Labour council really think of us and what they want for the people of Barnsley. A councillor stood up and stated “he is proud and glad that Barnsley is becoming more multicultural and also that these people want to come and live here - they are enriching us”. What surprised me the most was that almost all the other councillors clapped and cheered! Of course the councillor lives in an area yet to be ‘enriched’! Also, what does he mean by enriching us? Does he mean that as a largely white community we have something missing? Is the increase in racial attacks something we should be grateful for? Should we be happy that most job vacancies over the last few years have gone to foreigners? Should we be happy when we get pushed further down the council house waiting list, because a ‘more needy’ family have settled here? The joys of enrichment!
Why do you think Labour have adopted that attitude, especially in Barnsley?
Because they have become less popular, there are many reasons why people have started to lose faith in them, such as the illegal war, all the extra taxes, lie after lie, the list is endless. So they are now importing voters from all corners of the world to try and ensure they stay in power. Any adult from any EU or commonwealth country can vote in the local elections, as long as they can prove that they live here.
To move on slightly, how’s the campaign going in the Darton West Ward?
Fantastic, the first time I stood in the 2006 local elections I polled 24%, with the help of the ever dedicated team of BNP activists we increased that to 27% last year. That was despite the lies and smears that the UAF and their labour cronies put out about us. The leaflets that they put out were shocking. Fortunately with the work we have done within the ward people know us and know that we are just ordinary people, who understand what is happening to our town, and want to help save it.
People don’t want to be ‘enriched’ as they call it, but unless we start to get councillors elected that’s exactly what will happen. There are already areas that have actually been ‘enriched’. The number of white women that have been racially abused has increased by a third in recent years. Is this what the council want? These are the council’s own figures, so they know about it, but choose to ignore the facts.
We do a lot of door to door VOF sales in Darton West. The paper round just gets bigger and bigger with some of our customers taking numerous copies to sell on or give to friends and work colleagues etc.
I was selling papers to regular customers in a public house recently, when a lefty who gives out searchlight magazine pointed out that his customers don’t have to pay. He soon shut up when I told him that that was because searchlight is sponsored by big business, just as labour now is! I personally find it unbelievable that the working classes have been betrayed like this.
Realistically, what are the chances of winning council seats in the borough this May?
In November last year we had the biggest political meeting held in Barnsley for many a year, with over 220 supporters attending to hear Nick Griffin speak.
We have regular activists and candidates meetings. We hold regular street paper sales, plus we sell papers door to door. We regularly leaflet and canvass the wards. We have more members than ever before. We are ready.
The Labour council underestimate the electorate in Barnsley, so to answer your question. Yes, there is every chance we will get in. The simple truth is that we cannot afford not to. We have been campaigning all year, and will be intensifying our efforts up to the elections in May.
Labour are so close to losing control of the council. It could mean that we hold the balance of power with only one or two seats! It’s all to fight for.
You say that Labour is close to losing control of the council. Is this down to the BNP in anyway?
Yes, the BNP and the Barnsley Independent Group, who have a large number of seats on the council. The BNP vote has hit Labour hard over the last couple of years and we will be standing quality candidates in their weakest wards throughout the borough, so even if we don’t win the seat but the Barnsley Independent Group does, then it is enough to remove Labour from power.
Will you be contesting the European elections next year and the general election because it’s obvious Gordon Brown bottled a general election last year?
You bet we will, it will be an exciting time. People are getting into the habit of voting for us, so we have to keep the momentum going. Labour went from being just a pressure group in 1900 to forming a government in 1924, but of course that was when they represented the working man.
We also have the London elections coming up. Even ‘Red Ken’ and ‘Barmy Boris’ agree that we will get at least one seat. We cannot let the colonisers take over our capital.
Have you got anything else planned for the year ahead?
We will be having a St George’s day party. When we get in power we will do every thing we can to help preserve the traditions and culture of this great country. We should be proud to be British, English and Tarners!
We will be celebrating in May when we get our first seats, and this will be on top of the celebrations for getting onto the London Assembly.
When we get some councillors elected this May, that’s when the real work starts. We will have access to information on what is really happening within this council. We will be under close scrutiny, so we will have to deliver. I cannot wait.
Well it sounds like you’re working hard, keep up the good work and good luck in May.
I am, but we have a brilliant team in Barnsley. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, so being part of a team means we can get the best out of everybody. I was recently contacted by a man who is almost house bound and is desperate to get involved, but obviously cannot go leafleting or doing paper sale etc. He is now our chief envelope stuffer!!!
We can get teams to go leafleting at a moments notice. This will be especially useful if we get a by-election. I have three teams in Darton West alone.
Finally, to quote Nick Griffin, ‘Barnsley could be the first area in the country where we get complete control of a council’!!! Need I say anymore?
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