The majority of people in Barnsley are not racists, but at the same time they don’t want Barnsley turning into a ‘multicultural’ town in the same way as Bradford or Leicester. There is no contradiction at all in this statement, but that is something that the communists in the Labour Party seem unable or unwilling to understand. Just because we don’t feel any ill-will towards people of different races and cultures doesn’t automatically mean we want large areas of our town to be colonised by them. We like Barnsley as it is thank you very much.
However the Labour Party does want Barnsley to be a ‘multicultural’ town and is encouraging immigrants from every corner of the earth to settle here in large numbers. They have a naïve Utopian view of human nature that denies the conflict and bloodshed that has occurred in many other countries throughout history due to different races and peoples living within the same geographical area. You only have to look at what has happened in recent times in Palestine, Rwanda, Iraq, Bosnia, or even Northern Ireland to see what the consequence of this policy will be for our children and grandchildren.
But nevertheless the Labour run Council and Government is pressing full steam ahead for an ethnically diverse population in Barnsley, and in common with most other towns and cities in Britain they are developing a major race relations industry. By a race relations industry we mean an organisation or organisations that are dedicated to assisting in any way possible, foreign communities to settle and prosper in Barnsley. Of course when foreigners are welcomed to our town and given all the assistance possible, they communicate the fact to their compatriots back home, who are thus motivated to make the same journey. So we are faced with a never ending influx of foreigners encouraged by the Labour Party and their race relations industry to come and live in Barnsley.
The ‘Barnsley Black and Ethnic Minority Initiative Ltd’ (BBEMI) is the organisation that has been set up to fulfil this role in Barnsley. It was founded in October 2001 and is no doubt funded in some way by the taxpayer – either through our council tax or by central Government. (When we find out how much and where this money is coming from we will publish it here). It currently has a staff of 13 and is located in a smart new office block near the Alhambra Centre. The staff includes an Executive Director, a Business Manager, 5 community development workers, 3 administration staff, 2 training coordinators, and a Manager for the planned new Multicultural Centre. Most of these staff are members of the ethnic minorities. This organisation clearly has a hefty wage bill, and its prestigious office accommodation will also not come cheap. There are representatives of 14 different ethnic or national communities currently resident in Barnsley on the BBEMI board of directors; however this is anticipated to increase as more foreign communities arrive in Barnsley.
One of the key roles of the BBEMI is in promoting and running the ‘All Barnsley Diversity Festival’ This is an annual series of events which includes such celebrations as Divali, Vaisakhi, Eid, Chinese Moon Festival, Chinese New Year, Pakistan Independence Day, Bollywood Film Night, Diversity in Muslim Culture, and Carnival de Barnsley. They state that attendance at these events increases year on year.
Confirmation of the purpose of the BBEMI can be found in its mission statement which is found on its website at
It reads as follows:
However the Labour Party does want Barnsley to be a ‘multicultural’ town and is encouraging immigrants from every corner of the earth to settle here in large numbers. They have a naïve Utopian view of human nature that denies the conflict and bloodshed that has occurred in many other countries throughout history due to different races and peoples living within the same geographical area. You only have to look at what has happened in recent times in Palestine, Rwanda, Iraq, Bosnia, or even Northern Ireland to see what the consequence of this policy will be for our children and grandchildren.
But nevertheless the Labour run Council and Government is pressing full steam ahead for an ethnically diverse population in Barnsley, and in common with most other towns and cities in Britain they are developing a major race relations industry. By a race relations industry we mean an organisation or organisations that are dedicated to assisting in any way possible, foreign communities to settle and prosper in Barnsley. Of course when foreigners are welcomed to our town and given all the assistance possible, they communicate the fact to their compatriots back home, who are thus motivated to make the same journey. So we are faced with a never ending influx of foreigners encouraged by the Labour Party and their race relations industry to come and live in Barnsley.
The ‘Barnsley Black and Ethnic Minority Initiative Ltd’ (BBEMI) is the organisation that has been set up to fulfil this role in Barnsley. It was founded in October 2001 and is no doubt funded in some way by the taxpayer – either through our council tax or by central Government. (When we find out how much and where this money is coming from we will publish it here). It currently has a staff of 13 and is located in a smart new office block near the Alhambra Centre. The staff includes an Executive Director, a Business Manager, 5 community development workers, 3 administration staff, 2 training coordinators, and a Manager for the planned new Multicultural Centre. Most of these staff are members of the ethnic minorities. This organisation clearly has a hefty wage bill, and its prestigious office accommodation will also not come cheap. There are representatives of 14 different ethnic or national communities currently resident in Barnsley on the BBEMI board of directors; however this is anticipated to increase as more foreign communities arrive in Barnsley.
One of the key roles of the BBEMI is in promoting and running the ‘All Barnsley Diversity Festival’ This is an annual series of events which includes such celebrations as Divali, Vaisakhi, Eid, Chinese Moon Festival, Chinese New Year, Pakistan Independence Day, Bollywood Film Night, Diversity in Muslim Culture, and Carnival de Barnsley. They state that attendance at these events increases year on year.
Confirmation of the purpose of the BBEMI can be found in its mission statement which is found on its website at
It reads as follows:
Our Mission

To ensure the full involvement of Barnsley’s black and minority ethnic community in the social and economic regeneration of Barnsley, enabling them to realise their full potential in employment, education, health, social/cultural and or any other interests and or opportunities appropriate to the needs of Barnsley’s black and minority ethnic community.
Some people might say that an organisation that is dedicated to promoting the interests of the members of any particular race or nationality is racist. That is certainly the accusation levelled at the BNP which is dedicated to the interests of the indigenous people of this country. But somehow this is not the case when the said organisation is dedicated to helping people who are not indigenous Britons.
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