Thursday, 13 March 2008

The UAF Have It Their Way

An article recently posted on our opponent’s website ‘Lancaster Unity’ (formerly Lancaster UAF) brings home to the reader just how unrealistic and out of this world these left wing people really are. This website, being the only proper one these people have, is currently going into overdrive attacking the BNP and other European ‘right wing’ parties, quite possibly because of the imminent local elections in this country. The article is therefore rapidly receding into the distance as ever more vociferous and hate filled articles are written and published.

According to the said article entitled ‘Fighting Poverty ‘key to better racial integration’, the Labour Party have now discovered the magic formula for achieving good race relations in the Lancashire town of Burnley. Apparently all that we need to do is turn the economy around and create jobs and opportunities for all, so that everyone will be happy and fulfilled, earning good money and living a comfortable lifestyle.

Believe it or not it’s that easy! The solution to this extremely complex, long term, and often violent problem is so simple it’s incredible that we didn’t pick up on it earlier. Just do whatever is necessary to create a ‘loadsamoney’ economy and racial segregation and hostility will disappear overnight. Our manufacturing industries just need to be world class or better, outselling and outperforming foreign competitors, building new factories, warehouses, and offices right across the country, and supporting a vast rejuvenated service economy giving all of us lucky people well paid secure employment, and everything will be just fine.

This is social science for 5 year olds. I’m an engineer and know very little of social or economic theory, but I do know it’s a safe bet that someone with a good job and plenty of money is unlikely to risk that by becoming involved with conflict or violence of any kind, whereas someone who does not have these things has nothing to lose.

What the people who wrote this article don’t seem to realise is that creating a successful prosperous economy that benefits all has been the greatest and most difficult problem for all human societies since the very first civilisation was created thousands of years ago. Poverty and social deprvation have always existed in every country in the world throughout the whole of human existence, and can’t simply be miraculously ‘disappeared’ in order to improve race relations. The artificial economic system of communism was invented in an effort to vanquish this poverty, but was a dismal failure as witnessed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Some of the comments in this article show the naivety and simple minded thinking of the typical Labour ‘everything is wonderful’ politician. This statement was made by Burnley Council Leader Cllr Gordon Birtwistle “You do have parallel lives in Burnley but providing the parallel lives meet and achieve cohesion I do not have a problem”. Errr - isn’t the definition of ‘parallel lives’ the reality that they do not meet - ever. So this councillor is saying ‘if black is white we’ll be ok’.
Shufqat Razaq, Chair of Burnley Action Partnership, stated that the knock on effects of violent acts committed by Muslim extremists were the main source of racial tensions in the town. Isn’t that because everyone knows how much support these ‘extremists’ have in their own communities?

Another glorious pearl of wisdom from this magnificent article, this time from Labour MP for Sheffield – Attercliffe, Mr Clive Betts. He asked that “if it was accepted that different communities lead parallel lives then was there really a need to integrate – unless it led to a riot”. OK, so we’ll not bother integrating until a riot kicks off, then we’ll realise that integration is essential to prevent the riot that just happened. Duh.

The lunatics really have taken over the asylum – they really have - it’s happening now – today. You only have to read articles like ‘Fighting Poverty ‘key to better racial integration’ to know that it’s true!