Philip Hollobone told the Commons: “This is Britain. We are not a Muslim country. Covering your face in public is strange and to many people both intimidating and offensive.”
Wearing the full-face burkha was “oppressive and regressive’’ to the advancement of women, he told a Commons debate to mark this week’s International Women’s Day.
It was not until recently when he took his children to a park in his Kettering constituency and saw a woman wearing one that “it came home how inappropriate and offensive it is for people to wear this apparel in the 21st century”.
Mr Hollobone added: “In my view, and the view of my constituents, wearing the burkha is not an acceptable form of dress and the banning of it should be seriously considered.’’
By wearing them women effectively said they wanted no “normal human dialogue or interaction with anyone else ... and that our society is so objectionable we aren’t even allowed to cast a glance upon them’’.
He said: “It goes against the British way of life. If we all went around wearing burkhas, our country would be a very sad place.’’
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