Saturday, 5 June 2010


A COUNCIL has been accused of “pandering” to Muslims by spending £150,000 to extend a cemetery so that graves can face Mecca.

High Wycombe cemetery in Buckinghamshire has a separate Muslim burial section. But this is due to run out of space in 2012. Council offi cials fear that mixing Muslim and Christian graves could lead to a backlash in public

Plans were approved this week to extend the cemetery to provide Muslim burial space for 15 years. But some residents claim enough has already been spent catering to the needs of the Muslim community.

One man, who did not wish to be named, said: “Yet again many thousands of pounds is being spent pandering to the local Muslim community.

“Just like when they fenced off all the Muslim graves in the local cemetery to protect them from vandalism
yet left all of the graves from other racial/religious groups wide open to vandalism.”

Campaign Against Political Correctness, added: “I hope the council are not doing this for politically correct reasons and that they have consulted widely with members of the public.”

The council had made a request for land to be deconsecrated for Muslim use at a separate Church of England burial ground in High Wycombe but this was refused.

The council has a statutory duty to provide cemetery space for people of all faiths. An Equalities Impact Assessment report said an extension would “meet the needs of the Muslim community with relation to grave design and orientation so that graves are facing towards Mecca”.

Alternatives would “not allow for best usage of space” and were “likely to lead to negative public reaction,” it said.

The plan was backed by High Wycombe Town Committee and work will begin in the autumn if approved by the council’s cabinet.

Councillor Mahboob Hussain said: “We need another site to be ready for the future. I fully support the proposals.”

The Bishop of Buckingham,the Rt Rev Alan Wilson, said: “People of all faiths and none are regularly buried in Church of England churchyards and other consecrated ground all over the country.

“We are not exclusive about it and are delighted to serve the community in this way.”
