A 21-year-old student has been jailed for life at the Old Bailey for trying to murder Labour MP Stephen Timms because he voted for the war in Iraq.
TWO Muslim fanatics who chanted “Death to Britain” in an Old Bailey court refused to apologise last night.
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Roshanara Choudhry was a gifted student convicted of attempting to stab to death MP Stephen Timms. Her family was devastated by the fate of their eldest child, who wanted to become a teacher before dropping out of King's College London, where after two years she had been a prize-winner and expected to get a first. She was everything a society could want a citizen to be. Timms voted for an illegal war of aggression which caused the deaths of at least 600,000 people. He's a monster compared to this poor girl.
What is fuelling the Jihad more than anything is bloody occupation of Afganistan and Iraq.
Its British foreign policy stupid!
She was British born and educated who was mis-educated and de-educated by British schooling with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. Western education makes a man stupid, according to Lord Bertrend Russell, a well known British educationalist. She has become a victim of Identity Crisses. She was at a wrong place at a wrong time during her developmental period.
Culture and race is always a factor in a child's life. To deny the importance of race and culture is not only insulting to Muslim children, it also risks causing unnecessary confusion and distress. Cultural Identity is particuluraly significant for a child. Little attention is paid to the child' cultural background. There is a social and economic pressure on bilingual Muslim children that they must speak English, adopt British values and ditch their religious beliefs, to assimilate into this country rather than maintain their cultural traditions and historical ties. Speaking English does not promote integration into British society and broadens opportunities. The result of such a policy is that British schooling is guilty of producing Muslim youths who are angry, frustrated and extremist. Majority of them leave schools with low grades. The number of Muslim youths is on the increase in prisons. Anti-social behaviour and drug addiction is on the increase. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage and are unable to enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Thanks to British schooling.
Living togather requires quite simply, an acceptance of the others, of the way in which (the other) is dressed.
Iftikhar Ahmad
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