Don't let this happen to you
This is a plea from Barnsley BNP for all females to keep safe over Christmas. If you are planning a night out, think about how you are getting back home.
Pre-book a taxi and inform a friend or relative who that Taxi company is and what time you have booked it for.
You can take extra precautions once the Taxi has arrived by making sure it is the Taxi you have pre-booked as it will have the taxi company name on the doors. Make sure it has the yellow plates attached to the vehicle at the back, the front and there should be an internal plate. The back plate has a unique number printed on it which applies to that vehicle.
You can also ask to see the driver's photo ID badge.
If you don't pre-book a private hire car and want to flag down a Hackney car the same rules apply with identification on the doors, plates and driver's badge. Once in the cab try and text someone the plate number or the driver's badge ID number.
Remember to put your safety first, especially if you are travelling home alone. Enjoy the spirit of Christmas and keep safe.
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