If you are in Barnsley town centre on Saturday why not call at the British National Party's outreach stall.
Take a leaflet or buy a 'Voice of Freedom' newspaper for just 60p.
Come and have a chat with local BNP members and find out for yourself what the BNP is really all about.
These activists are out working to save our country all year round and can be seen every Saturday in the town centre.
Let's show Labour that allowing criminals such as Eric Illsley to represent Barnsley has been a disastrous move for them.
And he's still squeezing as much out of the taxpayer as he can. He's guilty, he's admitted he's guilty but still hasn't resigned yet. Just more proof that he is treating the people of Barnsley like something he's stepped in. Don't stand for it.
Of course, he supports it all and that's why he's been parachuted into Barnsley. Getting on the gravy train up north is a whole lot easier than trying to get on where he lives in Hampshire. Out of 78 Councillors on Hampshire County Council only one is a Labour Councillor.
Jarvis, like the marxist miliband genocide brothers he represents, has no love of Barnsley, and has been parachuted in to deceive. He's a trojan horse who will bring only further misery and despair.
The good folk of Barnsley need to understand that to begin with. Then, they need to ask him about his support for all the evil committed by Labour, and force him to answer!
Barnsley take note:
Jarvis is a plant. Like the 'Tarqin' parachuted into Stoke by Mandelson.
They are playing the same game with Barnsley.
Remember, its the LibLabConTrick!
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