Tuesday, 25 January 2011


A day of action will take place in Barnsley on Saturday 29th January 2011.

Barnsley BNP would like to invite members and supporters nationwide.

The action starts from 9am and continues throughout the day. The outreach stall will be in the town centre as usual from 11am until 1.30pm.

There will be a meeting later in the day at a top Barnsley venue, where Barnsley BNP will be announcing their candidate for the Barnsley central by-election.

Having a criminal for a MP hasn't gone down too well with struggling families in Barnsley. Eric Illsley has betrayed the working man and discarded his morals for greed. His only regret? Getting caught.
If you want to get involved on Saturday please contact Ian Sutton on 07884298174.


Anonymous said...

This is not accurate at all. There has not been an increase in drug gangs because of immigration...the biggest dealers in town are local lads and that is a FACT and also the most people that cause trouble in town are local lads and woman who are drinkers and substance abusers and as I work in town I see this all the time. The good people of Barnsley see through your lies and propaganda as will be proved at the ballot box.

Barnsley Patriot said...

FACT:The dealers you see in town are on the lower run of a very tall drugs ladder, who supplies them?

Also, although drug dealing in and around Barnsley is rife, it's nothing compared to other places in Yorkshire such as Sheffield and Bradford. Just this week in Sheffield, police smashed a drugs ring which was connected to postcode gang wars...sorry to mist your rose tinted glasses but those arrested were all black. Not lies, just stating a fact.

As for locals who go out and cause trouble through drink and drugs..well that's down to Labour's lie...tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime. Justice seen justice done and the party political joke..the policing pledge..South Yorkshire police new the pledge wasn't workable but at least it made the last treasonous Government look like it actually cared for it's sheeple.

Anonymous said...

Rumour has it that Nick Griffin will be unveiled as the BNP candidate for Barnsley this evening. My concerns are that how can a man born to a middle class conservative family possibly understand the needs of the working classes in Barnsley?

Anonymous said...

I will tell you who supplies them...the big drug barons in south yorkshire who use people to bring drugs in...and trust me as I work in the substance misuse field the problem is a local one and the people supplying are LOCAL drug barons. Labour has made big steps to improve the town centre and set up zones that are enforced....being in town today the amount of the police about near the BNP stall to prevent trouble...they could have deployed elsewhere to do their job rather than keeping an eye in case people wanted to have a go at the BNP because they feel that strongly about your attendance in town. The BNP is spreading lies about what is happening in Barnsley and the website is seen as promoting hate crime.....which as you know is a crime in itself.