He looks quite chuffed with himself that he managed to scrape a few kids together to have a small protest against the British National Party on Saturday evening.
I have to admit there were a lot more than that in the town centre earlier on in the day, but when he publicly humiliated a Downs Syndrome kid, by calling him an idiot, when he was having his photo taken with party Chairman Nick Griffin at the time, some of his followers decided to walk off.
Just goes to show how low some people will stoop to support the Labour party in Barnsley. In George's case, there is no limit.
This creep appears to like the company of young people. I notice the criminal Eric Illsley didn't turn up as he as in the past. Maybe he was enjoyed his last few days of freedom too much to demonstrate against democracy...
Attacking a Downes Syndrome child is is only the tip of the wickedness of such scum.
Barnsley folk should think long and hard before voting for Labour again.
Then there's Harmans relative, Lord Longford, who spent long hours alone with Myra Hindley, listening intently to how the children were abducted, raped, tortured and murdered, while he campaigned for her realease on
'compassionate' grounds.
Make no mistake, these bastards are monsters. Evil beyond the comprehension of the mugs who vote for them.
What a creep. He looks like a nonce.
No surprise there then.
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