Saturday, 19 February 2011


During a busy weekend of action in Barnsley, British National Party candidate Enis Dalton pointed out that now is the time to put British people first and stand up for British values, reports Yorkshire British National Party press officer Doug Ward.

Ms Dalton also added that a British National Party politician would be good for the local people of Barnsley and vowed never to put politics before the safety of women.

Today’s interview was conducted by Barnsley super activist and Prospective candidate Jane Hubbard.



DarfieldBNP said...

What’s this? Two female candidates for the BNP, has no one told them they should be at home doing the ironing and lunch and getting slapped or was that just lies by the loony left? Maybe Barnsley BNP are doing it wrong, OR, could it really be that the BNP are caring thoughtful people who are not racists but rather just fed up of being treated like second class citizens in their own Country. £13 Billion in foreign aid and £1 Billion in cut backs to services, if we can afford £13 Billion in foreign aid we can afford not to have cut backs, I defy any far left nutter to correct me on this, with an explanation of course. This Great Country is broke yet we still afford to give foreign aid that we can ill afford to countries that don’t need it as much as we do, WHY? Please someone explain this to me, I simply do not understand the process. If you have the answer then call to the Barnsley stall and explain it to me on Saturday because at the moment I’m confused, annoyed and demoralised.