And hopes grew that the plans could be axed or watered down when Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman said that a consultation is genuinely open and “not a done deal”.
About 10,000 signatures a day are being added to two petitions by the people power campaign 38 Degrees and the Woodland Trust to protect the Forestry Commission’s 625,000 acres of woodlands in England.
The surge of public opinion triggered fears the sell-off could become David Cameron’s poll tax.
And it revived memories of the anti-road pricing petition under Labour which was signed by 1.3 million and helped force ministers to scrap the policy.
“This seems to have struck a nerve, people want to save the forests for future generations,” said 38 Degrees spokesman Johnny Chatterton.
By last night the group’s online petition had attracted 461,000 signatures.
But Mr Chatterton said this was only part of a broader campaign.
“In the past 10 days more than 90,000 people have written to their MPs through our website and we have raised £60,000 for campaign advertisements,” he said.
The Woodland Trust petition so far has won 100,000 supporters. A trust spokesman said: “It is one of most successful petitions ever.” HERE
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