The International Monetary Fund told the last government as early as 2004 that it was borrowing and spending too much.
But the advice was rejected by Treasury officials who demanded that the global financial watchdog water down its public criticisms of tax and spending policies.
The report will make uncomfortable reading for Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls, who was a powerful figure at the Treasury at the time.
It will also be a blow to Labour leader Ed Miliband, who was an economic adviser to then Chancellor Gordon Brown in 2004 and 2005.
The Conservatives claimed it was ‘incredibly telling’ about the way the Treasury operated with Mr Balls and Mr Brown at the helm. The report from the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office exposed a series of failures in the run-up to the crisis.
It found that information was withheld from the IMF and the public by the British authorities, IMF officials were intimidated, and regulators at home and abroad failed to spot serious risks in the banking system and the economy.The aggressive attitude of the Treasury meant the IMF was too soft with other regulators in the City of London, according to the report.
It said ‘pressure’ was put on the Fund to ‘tone down specific recommendations’ on the deteriorating public finances.
The report exposes just how badly the regulatory regime set up by Labour to monitor the financial system and the economy failed in the lead up to the crisis.
The Tories said it was further evidence that Mr Balls is a ‘deficit denier’ and cannot be trusted to look after the nation’s finances.
Conservative deputy chairman Michael Fallon, a member of the Treasury select committee, said: ‘When the IMF was concerned about Ed Balls’s policies, Ed Balls did everything in his power to silence them.
‘Instead of trying to gag the watchdog, he should have listened. He doubled the debt, and now his past is catching up with him – all he can say is that he’d do it all again.’
Mr Balls stepped down as chief economic adviser to the Treasury in July 2004 so he could stand for Parliament but returned as City Minister in May 2006.
His spokesman said: ‘Despite their attempts to rewrite history David Cameron and George Osborne supported Labour’s spending plans until the global financial crisis hit.’
So the truth is Known.
To add one more nail in coffin of Gordon Brown.
During this period 2004 to 2010, I well remember Poll Tosnsby of the Guardin Newspaper (big support of the Labour Government).
Warning that a financial crissis was about to happen.
She pend two books on the matter.
And presented her speach at'Greenbelt'.
The economic clinmate was indeed the fault of a BAD LABOUR GOVERNMENT & MP's who just did not know what they were talking about.
Maybe we should take to the strrets (in the same vain) as Egypt.
And change both national and Local government and abolise Party Politics onece and for all.
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