Friday, 8 April 2011


Nationalism, patriotism, a love of one's country...whatever you want to call it.
Where does it come from?

No one can be taught it and no one can decide to just become patriotic to suit the time of year, especially at election time when we often hear politicians banging on about looking after British Workers or our ill equipped solders or even our own people who are often badly neglected in NHS wards and fed (if they're lucky) with something that a prisoner would successfully claim compensation against.

No, nationalism is a natural instinct which comes from within and for some it will rise to the surface when under threat and it's there to protect one's own.

Look at the photo and observe each and every face on it.

Each person on there will be able to tell you why they joined the British National Party.
And each person will tell you about their own natural instinct telling them something isn't right.

When you have that feeling it never goes away and I know from personal experience it can't be switched off.

And that's why the Barnsley Patriot is Back, supporting the British National Party.