The Barnsley BNP meeting held on Tuesday 6th March was agreed by everyone to be the best meeting we have had since the group was started nearly 6 years ago. There were over 100 people in the audience to hear three very interesting and enthralling speakers.
The meeting was chaired by Barnsley activist and candidate Ian Sutton, giving the Organiser a well deserved rest. Ian thanked everyone for attending and introduced the first speaker, Neil Bramley, who will be our Dearne North candidate in the forthcoming local elections in May.
It was Neil’s maiden speech and it was a blinder. Neil spoke of how, if the indigenous people of Britain don’t stand up now and join and vote for the BNP, we as a race will disappear from these islands, overwhelmed by a tsunami of immigrants. We owe it to our forefathers who fought for this country in two world wars, and also to our children who will suffer grievously if we cannot wrestle control of this country from the corrupt and chronically politically correct Establishment. The speech was very well received by the audience, and Neil is sure to follow this up with more appearances at Barnsley and other branch meetings.
The second speaker was Bradford South Organiser Darren Mamby. Darren spoke of how far the situation had deteriorated in Bradford, and how the Muslims were openly stating that this was their city now. Also how the local press in Bradford attributed great importance to any suspected racially motivated attack on an ethnic minority person, but comparatively little importance to a similar or worse attack on an indigenous person. He also related how he had been robbed of victory at the May 2006 local election, where the initial count showed that he had won, but this was followed by a further 3 recounts in which somehow more Labour votes appeared, and he ended up losing by 68 votes.
There was then a twenty minute interval during which fund holder Graham White sold raffle tickets and merchandise, and our cameraman took the photograph shown. Anyone who believes we are exaggerating the attendance at our meetings can see how big the room is and how people were forced to stand at the back due to all the seats being taken.
In the second half of the meeting Ian Sutton introduced our main speaker, Bradford North Organiser Frank Brammer. Frank has a well deserved reputation as an informative and powerful speaker and has spoken at many BNP meetings throughout Yorkshire.
Frank related how he had come to join the BNP and how what we are doing now has parallels going back into British history as far as Boadicea’s resistance to the Roman occupation. He spoke of the Muslim paedophile scandal in Keighley where his 11 year old daughter goes to school, and how the police and media are desperately covering up and downplaying the situation. He also read out a letter to his MP Shahid Malik, which he wrote in response to Malik’s statement that the BNP made him feel ill. The letter made it clear that our Frank was not particularly enamoured of the behaviour of the Muslim community from which Mr Malik came – putting it politely.
The meeting was wound up with the raffle being drawn in which many of the prize winners generously donated their prize to the BNP for our next meeting. A cap was then passed around and over two hundred pounds was donated to Barnsley BNP funds.
If the Party keeps growing at this rate we shall very soon be looking for bigger premises in which to hold our meetings.
The meeting was chaired by Barnsley activist and candidate Ian Sutton, giving the Organiser a well deserved rest. Ian thanked everyone for attending and introduced the first speaker, Neil Bramley, who will be our Dearne North candidate in the forthcoming local elections in May.
It was Neil’s maiden speech and it was a blinder. Neil spoke of how, if the indigenous people of Britain don’t stand up now and join and vote for the BNP, we as a race will disappear from these islands, overwhelmed by a tsunami of immigrants. We owe it to our forefathers who fought for this country in two world wars, and also to our children who will suffer grievously if we cannot wrestle control of this country from the corrupt and chronically politically correct Establishment. The speech was very well received by the audience, and Neil is sure to follow this up with more appearances at Barnsley and other branch meetings.
The second speaker was Bradford South Organiser Darren Mamby. Darren spoke of how far the situation had deteriorated in Bradford, and how the Muslims were openly stating that this was their city now. Also how the local press in Bradford attributed great importance to any suspected racially motivated attack on an ethnic minority person, but comparatively little importance to a similar or worse attack on an indigenous person. He also related how he had been robbed of victory at the May 2006 local election, where the initial count showed that he had won, but this was followed by a further 3 recounts in which somehow more Labour votes appeared, and he ended up losing by 68 votes.
There was then a twenty minute interval during which fund holder Graham White sold raffle tickets and merchandise, and our cameraman took the photograph shown. Anyone who believes we are exaggerating the attendance at our meetings can see how big the room is and how people were forced to stand at the back due to all the seats being taken.
In the second half of the meeting Ian Sutton introduced our main speaker, Bradford North Organiser Frank Brammer. Frank has a well deserved reputation as an informative and powerful speaker and has spoken at many BNP meetings throughout Yorkshire.
Frank related how he had come to join the BNP and how what we are doing now has parallels going back into British history as far as Boadicea’s resistance to the Roman occupation. He spoke of the Muslim paedophile scandal in Keighley where his 11 year old daughter goes to school, and how the police and media are desperately covering up and downplaying the situation. He also read out a letter to his MP Shahid Malik, which he wrote in response to Malik’s statement that the BNP made him feel ill. The letter made it clear that our Frank was not particularly enamoured of the behaviour of the Muslim community from which Mr Malik came – putting it politely.
The meeting was wound up with the raffle being drawn in which many of the prize winners generously donated their prize to the BNP for our next meeting. A cap was then passed around and over two hundred pounds was donated to Barnsley BNP funds.
If the Party keeps growing at this rate we shall very soon be looking for bigger premises in which to hold our meetings.
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