BN: How did you become a candidate for the BNP?
Ian: I’d been a member of the British National Party for some time, and was getting increasingly concerned with the changing face of Barnsley. I’ve been known to get on my soap box when in the pub, at work etc, so when the Barnsley Organiser approached me regarding standing in my own ward, it was like I was being asked to put my head above the parapet. All I needed was 10 signatures and the forms submitting to the electoral office.
BN: Were you apprehensive about standing?
Ian: Before, I gave my answer to the Organiser I discussed the possible consequences with my family. After all they would be affected too, especially if I was elected.
Our forefathers have been asked to do a lot more for our country than I was being asked, so I decided to stand. As it turned out I’ve had almost all positive reactions.
BN: How did your election campaign go?
Ian: We leafleted the area several times. The main parties and their cronies in UAF, Searchlight etc spread so many lies about us that we needed to get the truth out to the electorate. As a result from this we had many inquiries from every area within the ward. These people were visited so we could explain exactly what we stand for. I especially remember an 84yr old ex-soldier who told me, that if he’d have known our country was going to be surrendered without a fight, he and his mates would have done exactly the same when the Germans were shooting at them.
When people talk like that I know what we’re doing is right.
BN: How did the day of the election go?
Ian: I had people stopping me in the street to inform me that they were voting for me. The other parties were most upset to see how many of us attended the count at the Metrodome, and adopted their usual tactic of telling lies to the media. It was stated that we were walking round in gangs threatening people!!! Absolute nonsense! Most of us were with our partners and there wasn’t any trouble whatsoever. Obviously we were getting stares but you can expect that when you’re the new kids on the block.
BN: Were you pleased with your result?
Ian: No. I had hoped to win and was bitterly disappointed, but 701 people - that’s 24% - voted for me. This was only 233 votes behind the winner on 934 votes - and this is when they thought we hadn’t a chance of getting in. Now they know we can!
BN: So after such an impressive first election, I assume you will be standing again in this year’s local elections?
Ian: I certainly will. I did think that with such a high number of people voting BNP, that Barnsley Council would start to change their ways - but no. Out of the last 3 full council meetings that I’ve attended, I’ve been horrified to hear the elected councillor’s state twice that Barnsley is too white. Can you imagine the uproar if someone was to state that an area is too black!!! They stated that Barnsley is falling behind other areas that are enjoying increased enrichment and diversity. If they feel like that why don’t they move to those areas? They could go live in Dewsbury or Leeds where the 7/7 bombers came from.
BN: If you are elected this year how do you think you will manage as Barnsley, and S. Yorkshire’s first BNP councillor?
Ian: I am going to give ‘em hell! I will do my utmost to play a full part in my role and never let the Barnsley people down or let them be disappointed with my service. I realise that I will be under severe scrutiny, but the BNP now has many experienced councillors who can give me guidance. When elected you get a computer with all the council information on it and this will enable us to see what this council is doing with our money. I don’t know if you saw in last weeks Independent there were 3 vacancies for asylum support workers. These were to report to the asylum support team leader, so there must already be other asylum support workers. Each was to be responsible for a portfolio of properties to be available for the asylum seekers….makes you wonder just how much the immigration/asylum industry is actually costing us. This is at a time when council tax is increasing above inflation, and the council housing waiting list is very long. The council should be more accountable to the residents. At the moment they take it for granted that people will vote for them….it’s time to shock them, and bring the common sense policies of the BNP to Barnsley.
BN: How do you feel about the fact that there are a very small but very vocal number of people who are vehemently opposed to the BNP?
Ian: I haven’t come across many such people myself, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Unfortunately, the main parties don’t agree with that basic human right, and are trying to stop freedom of speech, and even freedom of thought!
As it is their right to believe in multiculturalism so it is my right to disagree with it. It’s my right to ask what the unions are doing for the British people who have fought so hard for the wages and conditions we are now losing. Even Searchlight admits that companies are sacking British people only to set on Eastern Europeans on much less pay. Only the company’s owners are benefiting. The British people are left on the dole, or in competition for any jobs going, and the Eastern European countries lose their most capable workers. These Eastern Europeans can work for less pay as they have fewer overheads then British people, but this means that Gordon Brown doesn’t get as much in tax, so we all lose out.
BN: Politics is a tough game and you need to be well suited to take on the role of an elected official. Did you ever see yourself in such a role before becoming a BNP candidate?
Ian: I have always been interested in right wing politics as it is clear to me that the liberal left philosophy is just based on wishful thinking and not reality. I want to help all the people in our community and this is the best way to do it. There are so many ways that the council’s decisions affect the people of Barnsley. Look at the situation recently when the council wouldn’t pay to educate one of our special needs children and were named and shamed on national TV, but they are falling over themselves to pay for foreigner’s education, housing, health, food, clothing etc!
In Barugh Green they are responsible for redirecting HGV's past the primary school even though they have been warned that this could result in the death of a child. When this was brought up at a recent forum meeting a resident was told to ‘shut up’.
BN: Finally what are your political ambitions for the future?
Ian: We are building the foundations to get MPs and MEP's elected in this country. This will give us real power. The problems that the people in power have brought to this country will not go away…neither will we. I would be honoured to be a Barnsley BNP councillor. The next target would be to get more BNP councillors elected in Barnsley, then an MP. I would be proud to stand for this position.
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