Tuesday 9 October 2007

Lies, Damned Lies, and the UAF

Weyman Bennett, UAF Leader
If you believe all the stuff you read on the anti-BNP websites you would think that the BNP is on the verge of collapse. Major leadership splits, key staff being sacked, the Party on the brink of bankruptcy, disastrous breakdown in morale, serious financial irregularities, disappointment with by-election results, dissention among the ranks, and the list goes on. The only problem is that none of it is true. Apparently the people who write these blogs haven’t heard the story of ‘the boy who cried wolf’. The moral of this story, which we hardly need to repeat here, is that when you have been caught lying before people are reluctant to believe anything you say in the future. It’s called credibility, and after all their lies in the past the UAF websites writers have very little of it left.

Perhaps these people need reminding of a few facts. We have more members than ever before, more elected officials and more candidates standing in elections, more groups and branches throughout the country, better Party organisation and efficiency, we have become a household name in Britain, and are steadily leaving our undeserved bad image behind. We at Barnsley BNP can tell that things are changing because we are on the front line; leafleting housing estates, canvassing on the doorstep and selling papers in the street. We have built the Party in a few short years into a credible option at the ballot box whilst being under constant ferocious attack from the Establishment, the media, and their left wing friends in the UAF. Far from our morale collapsing it’s at an all time high. Far from the general public rejecting our message we are receiving a ringing endorsement from very many ordinary people. The truth is that even if we were in Government the UAF would be saying we were on our last legs.


Barnsley BNP has held six paper sales in the town centre on Saturday afternoons so far and have not yet had any opposition from the traitorous, anti-British, anti-BNP brigade. Just one or two adverse comments from by-passers are all that we’ve had to put up with. Where is Barnsley Unite Against Fascism? Does such an organisation exist?

The reason we ask is that they were holding a public meeting at Barugh Green Primary School on the 2nd October (last Tuesday) to ‘Stop the BNP Spreading Hatred in our Community’. This was the heading of a leaflet put out in the Darton West ward with an email address of uaf_barnsley@yahoo.co.uk listed on the bottom. The meeting was also advertised in the previous Friday’s Barnsley Chronicle.

The leaflet is the usual descent into childish name-calling that we have come to expect from these mentally challenged individuals. As always they insult the intelligence of their readers with statements such as ‘the BNP is dominated by thugs who try to win votes by using racist lies and myths to divide communities without a care for the damage they leave in their wake’ and ‘The BNP is not an ordinary political party; it is a Nazi party with its roots in the National Front strutting around in Nazi uniforms’. Believe it or not these are actual quotes lifted directly from the leaflet. No addressing the real problems caused by mass immigration here, no reasoned arguments of why it is supposedly a good thing, just abuse from start to finish.

The leaflet also gives a few questionable ‘facts’.

‘Fact: There are fewer than 600 asylum seekers in Barnsley’. Go into town any day of the week and you can see that that’s rubbish (awaiting asylum on a weekly basis maybe).

‘Fact: Immigrants in all of Britain are 8% of the community but contribute 10% of our wealth’. This is despite the claim that they’re all doing low paid jobs that British people won’t do anymore. They must think we’re all completely stupid.

Such lies might have had an effect the first time people read them, but this has been going on for a few years now. Many of the people who received their rubbishy leaflet know our Darton West candidate Ian Sutton personally, have been canvassed on the doorstep by friendly, smartly dressed BNP members, have received several factual and informative leaflets from ourselves, and/or have voted for Ian in the local elections. In fact Ian received 894 votes in this year’s election, 27% of the vote, coming in second place. The reaction of many of these people to receiving the leaflet was “I’m going to the meeting myself, and I’m going to bloody well tell these do-gooder idiots where to get off”.

The leaflet advertises speakers such as Mick Clapham MP, John Campbell - Unison Officer, and Yvonne Cass – South African asylum seeker (she’s the ‘Barnsley Lass’ from a previous article). The feeling against this meeting was so strong that they would all have been shouted down by angry residents. We ourselves at Barnsley BNP had no intention of going as they would only say we had gone to cause trouble.

So how did the meeting go? Well somehow something must have gone wrong because several Darton and Barugh Green residents turned up to find the building deserted and in darkness. No sign of the UAF or any of their speakers. Where was everyone? What can have happened? Very disappointing - what a poor show!

We can only surmise that the meeting must have been cancelled at the last minute for some unknown reason. This is why we ask “Barnsley UAF – do they really exist or are they just a figment of our imagination?”