Our town centre ‘Voice of Freedom’ sale went tremendously well again this Saturday (22nd Sept ’07) with many papers being sold and our high profile Union Jack draped sales stand being seen by thousands of people. During the day there were several incidents which are worth mentioning as follows.
Soon after setting up an older guy came over, put a £10 note on the table and picked up a paper. When we started sorting out his change he indicated that we could keep it. Thanks very much mate - very generous - it all goes towards building the Party. Many of our other customers gave us £1 or £2 coins and also said we could keep the change. In most cases it was the customers that approached us rather than the other way around, and we had numerous conversations with interested passers-by who expressed their support for our cause. Members of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), who until recently sold their newspaper in the town centre every Saturday, would die for the degree of public approval that we are getting.
I would estimate that at least half of our customers were ladies, either alone or with their partners or friends. Some people may have a mental picture of the typical BNP newspaper purchaser as being young, male, and with a certain attitude, but I can tell them that this is absolutely not the case. It’s a fact that females are most concerned with home building and security, and that security is now most definitely being threatened by Labour’s insane immigration policies. It’s also a fact that women will be more effective at spreading our message in the community, which they certainly will do after reading our excellent publication. We even had a black guy buy a paper. Let’s hear Labour’s explanation for that! We have one! He can see as well as the next man the way things are going in this country and where it’s all going to end up.
Thankfully it seems that the police have given up hassling us. A police van drove straight past us without stopping. It wasn’t all plain sailing though. We were verbally abused by an hysterical middle aged woman literally screaming at us ‘Fascists. fascists – fifty million dead – you should be ashamed of yourselves etc etc’ So now as well as being bigots and racists it seems that we’re to blame for the Second World War! Closer towards the end of the session we had a young university educated type who clearly thought he was a cut above us common sort, asking questions about our Party and policies. He was pretending to be a casual passer-by but we could tell he knew far more about us than the average member of the public. He even mentioned Tony Lecomber, a long gone member of the Party with an unfortunate history dating from his reckless youth. We reckon this guy was a member of UAF or one of the other Marxist outfits that are trying their hardest to stem the rise of the BNP.
Ideally we would be selling papers in town every Saturday, but as winter approaches the weather may become a limiting factor. Also we need time to pursue our other avenues of activism, such as leafleting and canvassing of all the 21 wards. Labour are only the majority in Barnsley by three seats and we intend to change that next May.
Soon after setting up an older guy came over, put a £10 note on the table and picked up a paper. When we started sorting out his change he indicated that we could keep it. Thanks very much mate - very generous - it all goes towards building the Party. Many of our other customers gave us £1 or £2 coins and also said we could keep the change. In most cases it was the customers that approached us rather than the other way around, and we had numerous conversations with interested passers-by who expressed their support for our cause. Members of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), who until recently sold their newspaper in the town centre every Saturday, would die for the degree of public approval that we are getting.
I would estimate that at least half of our customers were ladies, either alone or with their partners or friends. Some people may have a mental picture of the typical BNP newspaper purchaser as being young, male, and with a certain attitude, but I can tell them that this is absolutely not the case. It’s a fact that females are most concerned with home building and security, and that security is now most definitely being threatened by Labour’s insane immigration policies. It’s also a fact that women will be more effective at spreading our message in the community, which they certainly will do after reading our excellent publication. We even had a black guy buy a paper. Let’s hear Labour’s explanation for that! We have one! He can see as well as the next man the way things are going in this country and where it’s all going to end up.
Thankfully it seems that the police have given up hassling us. A police van drove straight past us without stopping. It wasn’t all plain sailing though. We were verbally abused by an hysterical middle aged woman literally screaming at us ‘Fascists. fascists – fifty million dead – you should be ashamed of yourselves etc etc’ So now as well as being bigots and racists it seems that we’re to blame for the Second World War! Closer towards the end of the session we had a young university educated type who clearly thought he was a cut above us common sort, asking questions about our Party and policies. He was pretending to be a casual passer-by but we could tell he knew far more about us than the average member of the public. He even mentioned Tony Lecomber, a long gone member of the Party with an unfortunate history dating from his reckless youth. We reckon this guy was a member of UAF or one of the other Marxist outfits that are trying their hardest to stem the rise of the BNP.
Ideally we would be selling papers in town every Saturday, but as winter approaches the weather may become a limiting factor. Also we need time to pursue our other avenues of activism, such as leafleting and canvassing of all the 21 wards. Labour are only the majority in Barnsley by three seats and we intend to change that next May.
This is the BNP and the British people at their best!
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