A tremendous meeting was held in Barnsley on Thursday November 15th 2007, the best meeting ever held by Barnsley BNP, and an historic occasion in the political life of our town. Our Party Chairman Nick Griffin was booked to appear for the first time to speak in Barnsley, and as
expected there was a great deal of interest from our members and supporters. We estimate that there were more than 220 people in the audience of all ages and social backgrounds, everyone keen to hear the message of the British National Party from the Chairman himself.

The meeting was introduced by Barnsley Organiser Paul Harris, followed by a fascinating and informative speech from Bradford fund holder Alec Edwards. Alec spoke at length about the pernicious influence of the EU on our nation, and the British Establishment’s unrelenting attack on everything held dear to the British people. Make no mistake about it the people in charge of this country are bent on destroying its strength, unique character, and way of life forever.

This was followed by a rousing speech from Dearne North BNP candidate Neil Bramley (Right). Neil laid out in simple terms how we have been cruelly betrayed by our political masters, and stated how their cowardice, lies and deception has brought this once great nation to its knees. Only a BNP Government would have the courage to enact the essential measures necessary to guarantee a decent future for our Nation and for our children.

Just on cue Nick arrived, and during the interval posed for many photos with our officials and activists. In the photo on the left we see from left to right, Paul Harris, Barnsley Organiser, Graham White, Barnsley Fund Holder, Nick Griffin, Party Chairman, and Colin Porter, Darton East candidate. In the photo below we see the Chairman and the Barnsley Organiser with Ian Sutton, Darton West BNP candidate, and Lisa Brooksbank, St. Helen’s BNP candidate.
Fund holder Graham White was extremely busy during the interval selling many items of BNP merchandise and many raffle tickets to enthusiastic customers. His hard work and dedication over the last few years has given our branch the essential financial security necessary to progress in contesting and soon winning elections in our town.
The meeting was then called to order and Paul introduced our distinguished guest speaker, British National Party Chairman Nick Griffin.

However it wasn’t all bad news. Because of all this distress caused by the established political parties the British people will be looking for an alternative, and waiting in the wings will be the highly organised and disciplined British National Party. Our agenda of national rebirth and self-sufficient independence will appeal strongly to the electorate, who will back us in massive numbers. Nick even stated that the possibility existed for Barnsley to be the first Council in this country to be controlled by the BNP.
Our Chairman spoke for a full hour and in turns had the audience spellbound and applauding enthusiastically to the powerful points put forward. Below we see a photo of the audience taken during the speech.
After Nick’s speech we held our raffle and collection which raised several hundred pounds for local funds. This day will be remembered for years to come as the day when Barnsley was at last put on the BNP map, and Organiser Paul Harris would like to send his thanks to everyone who made the evening such a success.
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