Saturday 27 September 2008

Barnsley Meeting - September 2008

Barnsley BNP held another well attended meeting on Wednesday 24th September. The meeting was opened at 7.30 by Barnsley Branch Organiser – Ian Sutton, who after an opening speech introduced the next speaker for the evening - Colin Porter. Colin is our candidate for the Darton East ward and is very active within the party. Colin covered many local and national issues in his speech and had the audience captivated as he spoke of the wrong doings of this present government and the Labour party in Barnsley; he also spoke of the way Labour councillors have tried to exclude him from forum meetings and other public meetings which he regularly attends (more than the sitting councillors on occasions – Ed) within his ward and throughout the borough.

After a short refreshment break, Ian reopened the meeting and promptly introduced the next speaker – Arthur Kemp. Arthur is the party ideology officer and is the author of many books, one of which is 'The March of the Titans, A history of the white race.' Arthur spoke about the immigration invasion. He explained exactly how the BNP would solve the Third World immigration problem by a four-fold programme: (1) By simply enforcing existing promises made by
previous governments to only let “good immigrants” in; (2) By encouraging the greater use of the already existing Home Office voluntary repatriation scheme; (3) By introducing laws such as the outlawing of Halal ritual slaughter, which will make it clear to groups which are culturally alien to British civilisation that they are not welcome to bring their ways to this country; and (4) By declaring a total halt to immigration and the introduction of policies which will lead to a reversal of that process. This will, he said, ensure that British people remain a majority in this country forever.

This meeting was held at a time when Barnsley Council were announcing job cuts to try and save money, whilst at the same time they waste thousands and thousands of pounds sending officers on 'Common Purpose' training seminars. Another complete waste of money is the cost of the
Diversity Festival 2008, where Barnsley Council have banners and posters all around town trying to shove their so called wonderful multiculturalism down everyone's throats. While we are on the subject of job cuts, take a look how the Barnsley Liebour party's gutter rag broke the news, hidden amongst all the freebies they are going to introduce. Where is UNISON now? Maybe they aren't that bothered, after all it is only one hundred jobs.