Sunday, 17 January 2010

Gypsies Make A Grab For Areas Of Natural Beauty

THE RIGHT of gypsies to set up camp in any of England’s most unspoiled natural settings is to be tested in a ground-breaking legal case.

In what has become known as the Battle of Hemley Hill, nine traveller families who have ­illegally occupied an ancient site since Easter are applying to ­settle there permanently.

Lined up against them are 600 residents who say the site on the Chiltern Hills, in Buckinghamshire, home to a 10,000-year-old road first laid down by the ­Romans, is in the green belt.

It is also officially classified as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Counsel for the gypsies is ­expected to point to new laws passed by the Labour government instructing local authorities to provide them with permanent sites by 2012.